Posted on 2022-11-23
Margot Margot

Gerontological Occupational Therapist

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  •  Toronto
  • CA$150.00  / hour

Overview of the Expertise Listing or Job Posting

Staying in your home while getting the support you need is the preferred choice for most older Canadians. Yet, many seniors and their families are unsure how to manage age-related challenges, which leads to stress, conflict and poor health.

That's where Inclusive Aging can help! Our experienced Gerontological Occupational Therapist offers expert advice with an emphasis on functional home modifications. We also provide practical, clinical guidance on care and community supports, transportation services and more. The result is a plan for optimal aging-in-place that keeps seniors safe and families reassured.

No cost, no obligation introductory calls are welcome.

(a) How many years of business or and/or other organizations experience do you have? and (b) What seniority level(s) do you have significant experience at?

  • 20+ years of experience

What functional areas do you have experience in?

  • Communications

What sectors / industries do you have significant experience in?

  • Foodservice

What types of products and/or services do you have significant experience with?

  • Consumer products - non-durable

What key barriers to growth / issues that businesses might face are you most able to help them with?

  • Strategic sourcing / procurement - international