Our Leadership
Our Canadian founder and CEO, David Y. Smith, has over 25 years experience driving change from executive positions in large companies, start-ups, non-profits, and social enterprises, in Canada, US, and internationally. He has started 4 com
panies and has consulted for many types of organizations in the private, NGO, and public sector. David has been on the Board of Advisors for 2 ecommerce startups, was with a Northern California tech startup that raised US$60 million and won best of show at CES, and has helped drive 5 emerging trends from niche to mainstream.
Putting his undergraduate degree in environmental science to use, he has helped to make companies, sectors, and value chains in North America and in their global supply chains more socially responsible and environmentally sustainable and transparent, as an employee, advisor, and a consultant.
He conceived of Elderberry.work through his own experiences and those of his peer group, knowing that they have a lot of value still to create as they age, and his enjoyment of collaborating with start-ups and businesses of all sizes.
Below is a quick overview of his experience. For more details, see David's LinkedIn page.
Our Backstory
This short video explains the origins and intent of our social enterprise