10 Ways Age 45+ Businesspeople Can Help Start-ups Launch and Small Businesses Increase Growth Rates

10 Ways Age 45+ Businesspeople Can Help Start-ups Launch and Small Businesses Increase Growth Rates

Despite Canada's "lack of an entrepreneurial culture", without a multigenerational cohort of experienced entrepreneurs to mentor new and aspiring entrepreneurs - which the US has - we have a workaround: a growing population of experienced businesspeople who can guide entrepreneurs through the 10 major reasons that small and medium businesses typically fail.

The 5 Ways Age 45+ Businesspeople Will Keep Creating Value for Canadian Businesses

The 5 Ways Age 45+ Businesspeople Will Keep Creating Value for Canadian Businesses

Older businesspeople bring alot more to the table than work experience, including knowledge and wisdom, soft skills, making teams more productive, and cost efficiency.

How to Address the Skills Shortage with Age 45+ Canadian Businesspeople

How to Address the Skills Shortage with Age 45+ Canadian Businesspeople

Canada faces a knowledge worker shortage, which Age 45+ businesspeople can address. If we can overcome ageism.

Businesses can Accelerate Growth tapping into Age 45+ Businesspeople via “Knowledge Gigs” ?

Businesses can Accelerate Growth tapping into Age 45+ Businesspeople via “Knowledge Gigs” ?

Canadian businesspeople use their expertise to help businesses overcome challenges to growth by doing "Knowledge Gigs" .

Age 45+ Businesspeople can Drive Job Creation by Boosting Canadian SMEs' Growth

Age 45+ Businesspeople can Drive Job Creation by Boosting Canadian SMEs' Growth

Only 0.1% of Canadian small businesses, which account for 98% of our businesses and employ nearly 70% of our workforce, become medium-sized. Canadians age 50+ business expertise can help them overcome typical barriers to growth.

Generations Now Having to Normalize Delaying / Working in Retirement?

Generations Now Having to Normalize Delaying / Working in Retirement?

Most older Canadians are delaying retirement and/or planning to work during it. Even without the latest survey results, it is looking like we need to redefine retirement, at least for the majority of us without defined benefit pensions, to normalize some kind of work?

Not Shopkeepers. A “Generation of Freelancers”. I Mean Age 45+ of course!

Not Shopkeepers. A “Generation of Freelancers”. I Mean Age 45+ of course!

The realities are, with very high cost of living and increased lifespans, most of us will need or want to keep working to some degree as we approach, phase in, and enter retirement. The opportunity to do so, on our own terms, as freelancers, is a compelling choice to consider. Young adults are doing it. Why shouldn't we older Canadians?

Age 45+ Canadian Businesspeople's Expertise Doesn’t Have a Shelf Life

Age 45+ Canadian Businesspeople's Expertise Doesn’t Have a Shelf Life

Canadians age 45+ businesspeople have a great opportunity to proactively control their financial futures by becoming freelancers to sell their lifetime of expertise. There's a new online marketplace dedicated to helping them do just that, Elderberry.work.