SequinKey Career Highlights - Actions, Results
• Recognized as the first married female with children to establish a practice in Sudbury, Ontario and grew the clinic to a 3-doctor practice in 9 years• Conducted eight veterinary schools site visits for accreditation purposes in seven years within Canada, the US, and Internationally
• Carried out risk management analysis at a Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee to identify gaps in policy and processes.
• Designed and launched a Vet Strategy Mentor Program in Eastern Ontario, which led to on-boarding 16new/recent graduates within the first 2 years, and supported the individuals in completing one or more of their early career goals.
What size(s) of businesses / organizations do you have experience with?
- Start-ups
- Small (<100 employees)
- Medium (101-499 employees)
- Large (500+ employees)
List the names of companies/organizations you have worked for and/or consulted for, regardless of size:
Baxter Animal Hospital, College of Veterinarians of Ontario, Vet StrategyWhat perspectives along the value chain do you have insights on, whether direct or indirect (stakeholder engagement), as an expert?
- Retailing
- Government / Public Service
- NGO / Charity
- Other