About Me - Short Overview

An experienced and persuasive marketer, writer and public speaker with an emphasis on retirement saving and behavioral finance

Key Career Highlights - Actions, Results

- 30 years experience in marketing, direct marketing, advertising on both account management and creative but with a particular focus on creative development and copy writing
- 15 + years in financial services marketing in the US
- 6 years as director and co-founder of the Allianz Center for Behavioral Finance

What size(s) of businesses / organizations do you have experience with?

  • Small (<100 employees)
  • Medium (101-499 employees)
  • Large (500+ employees)

List the names of companies/organizations you have worked for and/or consulted for, regardless of size:

Paradi Marketing, Reader's Digest, Padulo Advertising, Publicis, PIMCO, Allianz Global Investors, Digitai

What perspectives along the value chain do you have insights on, whether direct or indirect (stakeholder engagement), as an expert?

  • Other

Credentials - Degrees, Accreditations, Qualifications