About Me - Short Overview

Information Technology and logistics consultant

Key Career Highlights - Actions, Results

A career information technology professional combining executive level management experience with consulting and solutions development achievements in e-commerce, third party logistics, manufacturing and distribution organizations.

What size(s) of businesses / organizations do you have experience with?

  • Start-ups
  • Small (<100 employees)
  • Medium (101-499 employees)

List the names of companies/organizations you have worked for and/or consulted for, regardless of size:

GS1 Canada, CIBC, Plexxus, Purity-IQ, Livingston Logistics, BCE Emergis

What perspectives along the value chain do you have insights on, whether direct or indirect (stakeholder engagement), as an expert?

  • Primary processing
  • Manufacturing
  • Wholesaling / Logistics / Transportation

Credentials - Degrees, Accreditations, Qualifications

BMath University of Waterloo